Database Utilities (ixmp4.db.utils)


ixmp4.db.utils.alembic module

ixmp4.db.utils.alembic.get_database_revision(dsn: str) str | None

Returns the current revision hash of a given database. To do this a connection to the database and a call to alembic are required.

ixmp4.db.utils.alembic.get_head_revision() str | tuple[str, ...] | None

Returns the revision hash of the newest migration in the alembic versions/ directory.

ixmp4.db.utils.alembic.stamp_database(dsn: str, revision: str) None

Uses alembic to stamp the given database with the given revision. Only touches the alembic_version table, nothing else.

ixmp4.db.utils.alembic.upgrade_database(dsn: str, revision: str = 'head') None

Uses alembic to upgrade the given database. Optionally a desired revision can be supplied instead of the default head (newest) revision.

ixmp4.db.utils.sqlite module

ixmp4.db.utils.sqlite.get_database_path(name: str) Path

Returns a Path object for a given sqlite database name. Does not check whether or not the file actually exists.

ixmp4.db.utils.sqlite.get_dsn(database_path: Path) str

Returns sqlalchemy-friendly sqlite database URI for a given database name.

ixmp4.db.utils.sqlite.search_databases(name: str) str | None

Returns a database URI if the desired database exists, otherwise None.

ixmp4.db.utils.sqlite.yield_databases() Generator[Path, None, None]

Yields all local sqlite database files.

Module contents

ixmp4.db.utils.get_columns(model_class: type) ColumnCollection[str, ColumnElement[Any]]
ixmp4.db.utils.get_foreign_columns(model_class: type) ReadOnlyColumnCollection[str, ColumnElement[int]]
ixmp4.db.utils.get_pk_columns(model_class: type) ReadOnlyColumnCollection[str, ColumnElement[int]]
ixmp4.db.utils.is_joined(exc: Select, model: type[BaseModel]) bool

Returns True if model has been joined in exc.